Spring 2025

Fellowship Program: Transforming Teaching Practices

Have you ever thought about how you might strengthen group projects in your course? Have you wondered how you might entice your students to meaningfully participate in discussions? Or have you considered how you might find ways for your students to fully engage in the content?
The graduates of the Faculty Forward Fellowship program have done just that.

Each summer, a cohort of faculty from across the Whiting School of Engineering – and the Johns Hopkins University – come together to explore teaching practices in this intensive faculty development program. The faculty members in the program complete four weeks of online modules that include interactive discussions and then attend two days of live and highly interactive collaborative sessions.

Consider applying to the 2022 cohort if you are interested in learning more about best practices and the science of teaching and learning and exploring ways to engage and motivate students. The application is available at https://facultyforward.jhu.edu/faculty-forward-application/.

Throughout the program, faculty members participate in a series of reflection activities designed to develop a problem of practice, or a defined problem, that can be solved to impact an individual’s teaching practice. Once a problem of practice is identified, the participants create an implementation plan and a timeline to put the plan into action.

Three graduates of the Faculty Forward Fellowship 2021 program share their individual problems of practices and how they are implementing changes to their courses, providing insight and their perspectives on common concerns in online instruction.

Click each image to learn more about these faculty in their faculty spotlights in this issue of the Faculty Forward Magazine.

”Amanda ”David ”Rachel

The faculty featured in this issue collaborated with their colleagues during the Faculty Forward Fellowship to identify specific problems of practice, a plan for implementation, and a timeline to put their plans into practice during the program.

Consider applying to the 2022 cohort if you are interested in learning more about best practices and the science of teaching and learning and exploring ways to engage and motivate students. The application is available at https://facultyforward.jhu.edu/faculty-forward-application/.

Keywords: Engineering Education, Faculty Forward Fellowship