Spring 2025

Uploading Tests or Quizzes from Excel into Blackboard

By: Christopher Olson

Uploading questions in Blackboard’s Test Manager offers a faster way to create a test or survey than entering questions one at a time. Additionally, you will have a backup copy of your tests, giving you an easy way to add new questions or edit existing ones as the class changes term to term.

The following instructions explain how to upload test or quiz questions using Microsoft Excel.

1. Create a test file in Excel

Enter the following for each question in separate columns:

  • In Column A, enter the question type (see legend below).
  • In Column B enter the question.
  • In Column C and beyond, enter responses (see example below).
    • True/False questions: Enter the correct response.
    • Essay questions: Leave Column C blank.
    • Multiple choice & multiple answer questions: Enter choices in separate columns with either correct or incorrect in the adjacent column of each choice.
    • Ordering and matching questions: Enter answers in the correct order. Blackboard will randomize them for you.
  • To save you some time, you can use the CreateAQuiz file that is pre-populated with heading labels and notes.

2. Save the file as a text file (Tab delimited) (*.txt)

If Excel warns you about losing features using this format, click Yes to confirm your selection. Remember where you save the file!

3. Upload the file to Blackboard

Log into Blackboard, open your course, and navigate to the Course Management section at the bottom of the course menu.

To upload the file as a test or quiz:

  • Click Course Tools.
  • Click Tests, Surveys, and Pools.
  • Click Tests.
  • Click Build Test (even if it is a quiz, BB calls it a test).
  • Enter the test name with description and instructions.
  • Click Submit.
  • The Test Canvas will open. Click the Upload Questions button.
  • Browse to the location where you saved the test.
  • Click Open.
  • Enter the points to assign each question.
  • Click Submit.

4. Link the test within your module

  • Navigate to your course module and click or hover over Assessments on the menu at the top.
  • Click Test from the menu that appears.
  • Under Add an Existing Test, choose the test you just created from the list provided.
  • Click Submit.
  • Fill out the appropriate information.
  • Click Submit.
  • The test should now appear in your module. If you checked “Include Score in Grade Center Calculation” in the previous step, then you will also see the test in the Grade Center.

For more Blackboard tips and support, visit the EP Support website or contact the EP Help Desk.

Keywords: Tech Tips