CLDT Virtual Book Club Recap: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education: A Balancing Act

Cover of AIED Fall Book Club Selections

Our Fall 2023 virtual book club on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education was a whirlwind of anxieties and excitement. Participants craved a community to navigate this hot topic, sharing both the pros and cons of integrating AI into our classrooms. Participants read two books:

  • Fadel, C., Holmes, W., & Bialik, M. (2019). Artificial intelligence in education: Promises and implications for teaching and learning. The Center for Curriculum Redesign.
  • Miller, M. (2023). AI for Educators: Learning strategies, teacher efficiencies, and a vision for an artificial intelligence future. Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.

Dominating early discussions was a conversation about our shared fears of becoming obsolete and facing students relying on AI for learning. Will AI stifle creativity and critical thinking? Can we prevent students from cheating with AI tools?

No definitive answers emerged during the semester-long debate. We know the future of education hinges on not fearing or blindly trusting this powerful tool. Faculty, staff, and students alike must utilize AI with purpose and care, together. Participants saw AI as a potential partner and powerful tool that can help us personalize learning, craft better learning objectives, and improve our teaching.

The book club concluded with a call to action: we need faculty support, clear strategies for AI misuse, and open discussions about its impact on learning. The future of AI in education is a complex landscape we must navigate together with both caution and curiosity. The virtual book club provided insights that will contribute to a more informed and thoughtful integration of AI into teaching practices, fostering a collaborative and forward-thinking educational community. Several participants shared AI strategies they’ve been testing out in their courses, such as inviting students to use AI to revise writing assignments, creating images for course materials, and developing course outlines and objectives.