Spring 2025

Tracking User Progress

Two Simple Ways to View Student Progress in Blackboard

Have you ever wondered if a student has access to a unique course content item or which students have reviewed specific items in a course? This information illustrates how successfully students have progressed through the course. It also helps instructors track students’ engagement with the course content, contributing to their overall success.

Student progress tools indicate which students have access to course items, particularly those restricted by adaptive release rules and testing exceptions. They also confirm whether students have accessed and reviewed content items. Though easy to use, student progress tools do require a couple of adjustments to your course settings.

Review Status

Review Status is similar to Statistics Tracking in Blackboard; however, it requires the students to manually acknowledge that they have reviewed the content item. The content item can be an entire module folder or an individual item like a syllabus, specific external link, video, or assignment.

Turn on Review Status:

  1. Access the content item’s drop-down menu.
  2. Select Set Review Status.
  3. Choose Enable and select Submit.
  4. Students will now see a button Mark Reviewed.

Students will need to manually click on the “Mark Reviewed” button once they have reviewed or completed the item, thus verifying they have fully engaged with the content. Once this button is selected by the student it will show a checkmark and Reviewed, thus tracking the student’s activity within the course.

User Progress

User Progress is helpful to determine which students have access to specific items and will also aid the instructor in viewing which students have marked content as reviewed via the Review Status tool.

To view User Progress:

  1. Access the content item’s drop-down menu.
  2. Select User Progress.
  3. You will be able to view the following columns:

    a. User information: The first four columns list the user enrolled with their username and course role.

    b. Visibility: An eye icon will indicate whether the specific item is visible to users at that moment in time. The eye icon with a red slash through it shows the user is unable to view that specific item.

    c. Reviewed: After enabling Review Status, a checkmark will appear in this column to indicate the student has marked this item as reviewed. A circle with no checkmark indicates that the student has not marked the item as reviewed.

    d. Date Reviewed: This column will show the date the student marked this item as reviewed.

For more Blackboard tips and support, please see support.ep.jhu.edu or contact the EP Help Desk at [email protected].

Keywords: Engineering Education, Tech Tips