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Grading can be an intensive process. We hope these tips will help you grade more efficiently and effectively by utilizing the tools and features within Canvas.
The main Gradebook displays a matrix of all graded assignments within the course and each student’s grade. However, the Gradebook is searchable and filterable, offering an array of options for viewing grade data.
The Individual Gradebook offers a granular view, allowing you to drill down into the details of one student’s performance on one assignment.
If you’re looking for a particular assignment, or assignments associated with a distinct module, the Gradebook can be filtered by assignment, assignment group, or modules.
Want to adjust when students see grades you’ve assigned? The timing of the release of grades to students can be set by adjusting the grade posting policy in your gradebook. Our grade posting policy article will illustrate how.
Assignments can be organized into assignment groups. Each assignment group will display a total grade in the Gradebook.
Rubrics help students understand instructor expectations and assignment goals by establishing specific criteria for assessment. In your course, you can create, manage, and use rubrics to grade assignments.
In Canvas, weighting the final grade is done in the Assignments area, rather than the Gradebook. See our Weighted Grading in Canvas Courses article to learn more about setting up or adjusting weighted grading in your course.
Instructor feedback is vital for student growth. There are a lot of methods for providing feedback in Canvas’s SpeedGrader. Our Providing Feedback in SpeedGrader article demonstrates how you can take advantage of these features.
Whether you want to check in with students who haven’t yet submitted an assignment or give students a heads-up about when to expect a grade, the Canvas Gradebook makes it easy to send them a message relative to assignment status.
The CLDT Help Desk can provide support as you manage your Canvas Gradebook and assess student work. Please reach out tp [email protected] with any questions about grading in Canvas.